One day Gullala Shah begged the king to excuse him from the darbaar, as he wished to go a-shooting. The king readily assented, and ordered several soldiers and horses to attend him. About the middle of the day, when much excited by the chase, the horse on which Gullala Shah was mounted ran away. None of the other horses could keep pace with it, so fast did it gallop ; and so Gullala Shah soon found himself alone and far out of reach of any help. At last the runaway horse suddenly stopped, for its legs had been fastened by an invisible chain. Perceiving that his horse was mysteriously bound, Gullala Shah dismounted, and taking his bow and arrow, climbed the mountain hard by, to see whether he could find anything to shoot there. A little way up he discovered a small pond,  upon the banks of which grew a tree, then one mass of blossom. Under the shadow of this tree he sat to rest, and while he sat a monkey approached. He determined to shoot it, and so made ready his bow ; but the monkey, guessing his intention, made a great rush and dived into the pond, much to the disappointment of Gullala Shah. He remained looking at the place where the monkey had disappeared, expecting every  moment that it would appear again. But lo and behold ! presently a  beautiful girl, wearing a costly necklace of pearls, came forth, and walking up to Gullala Shah, kissed him. Gullala Shah was exceedingly
astonished at this, but being very good and holy, he did not lose his presence of mind. He asked her who she was, and noticing that she hesitated to answer, he threatened to slay her if she did not tell him quickly. Being frightened, she said " My name is Panj Phul, and my father is king this country, which is fairy-land. I have been good, and tried to do good, and everybody loves me. When I was very young my father intended to marry me to the son of his chief doorkeeper. The hour was fixed and full  preparations made, and but a few days remained before the wedding-day, when the chief doorkeeper's son went to play as usual with his companions. They played Wazir Padshah i.e., one boy pretended to be the king, another pretended to be the wazir, and others took the part of other great officers in the state. Each one was supposed to talk and act according to his part in the play. That day the doorkeeper's son was voted king by his playmates, and sat in the royal place. While they were thus playing the real king's son passed by, and, seeing the state of the game, cursed the boy. ' Be degraded from fairy-land,' he said, ' and dwell among the common people.' On account of this curse the doorkeeper's son soon died, and was afterwards born among the common people.  A female companion told me of his death, on hearing of which I became very sad ; for I loved the son of the doorkeeper, and am determined to marry nobody but him. The king and queen and others have tried hard to get me to change my mind, but I have remained steadfast. All my time has been spent in doing good and in interviewing holy men. To-day I came hither to worship. One day it
happened that a very holy man arrived here, whom I loved very much, and I thought to have met him here again to-day. He seemed very pleased with me, and 'used to give me whatever I asked of him. Once I asked him to tell me how I could again see the doorkeeper's son, who had been born among the common people. He told me that he knew the lad, and that he was called Gullala Shah, and that I could see him if I was very careful to attend to his instructions. Of course I promised that I would be. ' Be careful he continued, ' and consider well, for the king will hinder you by strong charms and in other ways.' He then gave me a pearl necklace of such great virtue that no- charms can affect the wearer, which I am to wear continually and guard patiently, if I would accomplish my purpose. After this I went back to my house. On the first opportunity I told my father of all that I had heard concerning Gullala Shah, and begged him to arrange for our wedding as soon as possible. The king looked very troubled when he heard this, and entreated me to think no more about the young man, especially as he was now one of the common people. Such a thing as our marriage could not possibly be, as it would bring the whole of fairy-land into contempt. But I was resolute, and so the king spoke sharply to me, and I answered sharply in return, and left the palace in a great rage. This is my history. friend, if you can do anything to help me to discover anything about Gullala Shah, do so I implore you, and I shall be obliged to you forever. "Here was a strange coincidence ! Gullala Shah told her who he was, and kissed her. She recognized him, and taking his hand, said, " I have found my long-lost beloved. With him let me ever dwell" Holding each other's hands, they presently left the pond and came to the place where the horse was standing. Both mounted the horse, which was now quiet, and rode back to the attendants and the other horses, which the king had sent for an escort, and then returned to Gullala Shah's house.
