State Band of Maharaja – Gulmarg Kashmir 1930

In Kashmir, although Muslims there comprised over 70 per cent of th population, their share of state scholarships and places in government schools was the smallest of the three major communities; while they held as of 1931 only 22 per cent of senior (gazetted) appointments in the Kashmir public service and only about 25 per cent of places in th Kashmir army, which was mainly filled by Hindu Dogras (the maharaja's community).88 Additionally, Kashmiri Muslims were disadvantaged by discriminatory laws and regulations-such as those which prohibited apostates from inheriting ancestral property and made gun-license compulsory for people in the Kashmir Valley region, where most Muslims lived, but not for people residing in predominantly Hindu Jammu.

the single most country in the comity of the nations as having powerful army with the passion of enthusiasm, determination and faithfulness with our mother land, our beloved country Pakistan. Our brave Army ,Air Force, and Navy have well thrilling power to knee-down ,and to devastate enemy’s plan at the spot. Numerous examples can be cited from the past to present era.
In 1903, Hari Singh served as a page of honour to Lord Curzon at the grand Delhi Durbar. Maharaja Pratap Singh appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the State Forces in 1915

Kashmir Muslims soldiers were front lines fighters .The brave army of Kashmir were trained at Dehra Dun for military training. Kashmir army with the passion of enthusiasm, participated in various wars including  world war 1 and 2
In 1972, the J&K Militia was converted to a full-fledged Army regiment as the Jammu and Kashmir Militia under the Ministry of Defence.
