The Kathi Darwaza the principal entrance to Koh e Maran Srinagar 1900’s


The Kathi Darwaza seems to have been the principal entrance, judging from the fact that the inscriptions have been put up only here. It is a very simple structure, comprising a domed chamber in the middle with two side-recesses. Its only external decorations are rectangular and arched panels and two beautiful medallions, in high relief, on the spandrels of the arch.

Akbar's inscription runs as follows:-

Bina-e qilad-e Nagar-Nagar bud

Ba 'ahad-e padshah-e dad-gustar

Sar-e Shahan-i 'alam Shah Akbar

T'ali Shanahu Allah-u Akbar

Shhanshah-e ki dar 'alam misalash

Na bud ast-o na khwahad bud digar

Karor-o dah lakh az makhzan firistad

Du sad ustad Hindi jumla chakar

Na kardah hechkas bigar anja

Tamami yaftand az makhzanash zar

Chil-o char az julusi ads ha hi

Hazar-o shah zi tarikh-e payambnr.

Translation : The foundation of the fort of Nagar-Nagar WM laid in the reign of the just sovereign, the king of kings, Akbar, unparalleled among the kings of the world, past or future. He sent one crore and ten lakhs (of rupees) from his treasury and two hundred Indian master-builders, all his servants. No one was forced to work without remuneration. All obtained their wages from his treasury. (In the) forty-fourth year after the accession of the Emperor (and) 1006 after the prophet.

The second inscription was erected by the officer in charge of the works and runs as follows:-

Bina-e qilad-e Nagar-Nagar ba-'aun Allah

Ba hukm-i Shah-i Jahan Zilallah Akbar Shah

Ba sa'ye Mir Muhammad Husain gasht tamam

Haqir banda-e az banda-has Akbar Shah

Dawam-i daulat-i in Shah ta abad bada

Ba haqq-i S hahidan La-ilaha-il-allah.

Translation : The foundation of the fort of Nagar Nagar was completed, by favour of the Almighty, under orders of the king of the world, Shadow of God, Emperor Akbar, and through the instrumentality of Mir Muhammad Hussain, the least among the servants of King Akbar. May the prosperity of this king endure for ever, through the grace of the martyrs of the Faith. There is no God but God.


